Middle School Music

Middle School Music Program
The Cle Elum Roslyn School District Music and Band Program is comprised of the High School Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep and Marching Bands, High School Choir, Middle School Band, and Middle School Choir. We perform throughout the school year at our Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts, Honors Concerts, and march in Cle Elum parades and home football games. We also attend many festivals and competitions locally (Central Washington University), and some that are further away (Yakima and Idaho for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival). Along with this, the Jazz Band hosts several fundraisers throughout the year supporting the music program. Jazz Café is an annual event that helps us raise money for instruments and music.

If there is anything more you would like to know about Cle Elum-Roslyn Music and Band Program, please contact our Music Director, Mrs. Becky Griswold griswoldb@cersd.org.