Foreign Language


Welcome to the World Languages page

Yo soy el profesor Aldrich.

At Cle Elum we offer:

  • Spanish 1 - a beginning level Spanish class

    • Study focuses on new vocabulary, introduction to conjugations in the present tense, and grammar structures.

  • Spanish 2 - an intermediate level Spanish class

    • Study focuses on adding vocabulary, reviewing structures from Spanish 1, and adding tenses.

  • Spanish 3 & 4 - offered when student enrollment numbers permit

    • Study focuses on reviewing concepts from Spanish 1 and 2, more application of the concepts in speech, and the subjunctive mode

Here are some helpful links:

  • El Cid's Web Page - You can find lesson reviews, unit reviews, and some tutorials here

  • - A great place to get extra help or make up participation

  • Quizlet - A great vocabulary study tool