All schools will be starting on time today. Give yourself extra time this morning and drive safe. Happy Valentines Day!

Don't forget! There is a School Board Meeting tomorrow night at 6pm in the Library at WSMS. Can't make it? You can always find the Zoom webinar link's on our website at https://www.cersd.org/page/school-board.

Have we got news for you! Meet Eric Smith, the new Food Service Director.
Eric has spent 20 years working with Omak, Tonasket, Bridgeport, Oroville and Okanogan Schools managing their Food Service departments. He also owns a catering company as well! Did you know that for the past 23 years he has been the backstage caterer for all the bands that perform at Chateau Ste Michelle winery? Pretty cool, huh? We love that he is going “all in” for our local kiddo’s!
When Eric is not at school, he enjoys spending time with his 4 boys and his 5 grandkids. He says “a day on the lake in my canoe is the best therapy!”
In addition to being excited to get to know the students and staff, Eric is also excited to help the Food Service staff update the program and enable them to bring their experience and creativity into school meals.

There's still time to make your voice heard!
The Cle Elum-Roslyn School District Board of Directors is seeking your input through a short survey. The information provided in the survey will be used to help revise the District’s Strategic Priorities and help with budget decisions over the next three years.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Use as much space as necessary to answer the narrative questions. Responses will be treated confidentially.
Click the link to complete the survey:

The School Board will have a Board Retreat this Saturday, Jan. 28th from 8am to 3pm at the District Office.

Did you know it's School Board Appreciation Month? Monday night we will recognize and honor our school board members during our regular board meeting. The meeting will be held in the Library at Walter Strom Middle School at 6pm Monday, January 23rd.
Can't make it? You can always find the webinar links on our website at https://www.cersd.org/page/school-board

Did you know it's School Board Appreciation Month? Monday night we will recognize and honor our school board members during our regular board meeting. The meeting will be held in the Library at Walter Strom Middle School at 6pm.
Can't make it? You can always find the webinar links on our website at https://www.cersd.org/page/school-board

Don't forget! There is a school board meeting tomorrow night at WSMS Library beginning at 6pm.
Can't make it? Click the link to join the webinar.

Happy New Year to you and your family! 2023 is going to be a great year!
We look forward to seeing our staff and students return on Tuesday morning. We will be serving Pancake on a Stick for breakfast and Garlic Cheese Toast with Marinara for lunch.

Looks like Cousin Eddie (aka Mr. Chase) got a little extra help with the snow yesterday! I'm sure it's because he's on the nice list. Happy Holidays Wildcats!

Wishing you all the best from our staff to you. We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

We’ve got multiple plows running, district office staff, Administrators and even Cousin Eddy (aka Mr. Chase) out shoveling snow today in preparation for parent pick up.

Schools across the district have been receiving phone calls inquiring about the potential for early release today. We want to reassure you that our schools will remain open until the regular dismissal time today where kids are safe and warm. We also acknowledge that some of our families may want and/or need to have students home earlier due to the inclement weather. If you need to pick up your student(s) early today, please contact the building(s).
Elementary: 509-649-4700
Middle School: 509-649-4800
High School Attendance Office: 509-649-4944
Swiftwater Learning Center: 509-649-4993
Our buses are prepared to transport our students in this weather. Please be patient at the bus stops as they will be driving a little slower to ensure that your student(s) arrive home safe.

All after school activities including GEAR, Outdoor School and athletics are canceled today 12/20/22 due to inclement weather.

Don't forget! We have a School Board Meeting scheduled for Monday (12/19/22) at 6pm in the Library at Walter Strom Middle School.
Can't make it in person? No problem! Here is the webinar link:

Due to a minor issue this morning, Bus H will be running 30 minutes behind schedule. Bus H should arrive to all stops 30 minutes later than the usual pick up time. All students riding Bus H will be excused for their late arrival.

Middle School and High School Band and Choir Winter Concert this Wednesday, December 14. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the WSMS Gym. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Last Thursday Swiftwater Learning Center hosted their annual Holiday Dinner. Students choose the recipes, prepare the food and decorate the space. It is always a special occasion and this year they served dinner to over 50 people. Nice job Summiteers!

Thank you parents for driving extra slow during pick up this afternoon as we had a community member experience a medical issue in his vehicle in front of our schools. This is unrelated to the police activity at the east end of town. Special thank you WSP & the Fire Department for assisting so quickly.

School will be starting on time this morning. Please give yourself enough time to arrive safely and have patience with one another in our parking lot.