Just a reminder that our offices are closed this week. We will see you next week.

Interested in becoming a member of the CERSD School Board? We currently have a vacancy in district area #3 (which includes Roslyn and Ronald). Applicants must live in the boundary area for district #3. To apply and/or view the map, click the link below!

Have you heard? The search has begun! Our Cle Elum-Roslyn Elementary Gray Wolves are looking for the next leader for the pack. Do you know someone who might make an awesome Principal?
Encourage them to apply today at: https://cersd.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=2372

Congratulations to all the graduates from Cle Elum-Roslyn High School! We are all so proud of each one of you.

Have you seen today's NKC Tribune?? Get your copy today and check out our amazing Senior's from Swiftwater Learning Center & Cle Elum-Roslyn High!

Congratulations to Swiftwater's graduating class of 2022 !! We are so proud of all of you!

Thankful for all those that served and especially those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

Reminder there is No School tomorrow, 5/30, in observance of Memorial Day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Half Day tomorrow, Friday, 5/27 school will release at 12:30
No School, Monday, 5/30, in observance of Memorial Day

Half Day Friday, 5/27, school releases at 12:30
No School Monday, 5/30 in observance of Memorial Day.

Just a reminder- there is NO School Board Meeting tonight due to the Superintendent Interviews next week. Looking for more information about the search? Check out our webpage at: https://www.cersd.org/page/superintendent-search

Wishing all of our Gray Wolf, Wildcat, Warrior & Summiteer Mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day!

Dear CERSD Families and Staff,
Thank you for your patience today as we know canceling after school events at the end of the school day is an inconvenience. We do not make these decisions lightly and the safety of our students is always our number one priority. I have been in contact with the Kittitas County Sheriff's Office and want to let you know that the issue that lead to the secure and teach this afternoon is now resolved. We look forward to welcoming all of our students and staff back on campus tomorrow at our regular start time.
With Appreciation,
Michelle Kuss-Cybula

Due to information received from the Mt. Adams school district regarding threats made to their students, Cle Elum-Roslyn schools went into a Secure and Teach at 1:30pm today for the remainder of the day. The district is working closely with Kittitas County Sheriff's Office, Cle Elum-Roslyn Police Department, and the Tribal Police. Law enforcement will be on site during dismissal this afternoon. As a precautionary measure, all after school on-site events will be canceled this afternoon (Tuesday, 5/3/22). The baseball game that is taking place in Ellensburg will continue as scheduled.

The middle school and elementary lot has 2 lanes again! All parking spaces have been uncovered as well.
Thank you for your patience as we worked to get the snow removed.

Don’t forget to vote on February 8th.

Did you know?

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the School Board Work Study meeting has been moved to Tuesday Jan. 18th at 6:30pm at the WSMS Library or via Zoom link. The zoom link can be found at the bottom of the School Board page on our website. Please use the Zoom link labeled Second Meeting of the Month.

All schools will be starting on time today. Please use caution driving in this morning as there are slick roads in some areas in the district.

Our schools will start on time today but please take your time to arrive safely as we just received reports of icy road conditions in some areas in the district.